Smart Speaker: Convenience and Privacy

Session Description

This master’s project presentation describes an instructional design journey using the ADDIE model. The focus of the instruction was smart speakers and voice data, with an emphasis on the dichotomy between privacy versus convenience, also known as the privacy paradox. The project was motivated by the fact that there are millions of smart speakers recording conversations and permanently storing voice data with little regard for data privacy. The goal of the instruction was to help learners feel more confident in their ability to improve voice-data privacy when using smart speakers.

The resulting instruction consisted of a 5-unit piece of interactive multimedia. This learner-centered instruction was developed using instruction in H5P containing twenty-two scenes. The instruction was designed to employ Festinger’s (1957) Cognitive Dissonance Theory to encourage cognition in social behavior, Keller’s (2010) ARCS model to inspire learning motivation and Mayer’s (2017) Multimedia Design Principles to promote deeper learning. The project was evaluated via usability and learning effectiveness testing. The results of these tests suggested that the instruction was successful in improving learners’ confidence in voice-data privacy skills and decreasing the value of smart-speaker convenience.


Duane Esty
University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa
Kailua-Kona, HI, USA

I envision a time in the not-so-distant future where without bias, one can obtain an affordable, quality, and motivating education driven in part by AI and adaptive learning. We are so privileged to be here in this space and time. A lot of exciting work is being done in the broad spectrum of AI impacting humankind profoundly. There are ethical issues to consider and for use to be the keep.


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