Reflecting on our collaborative learning experience

Session Description

In a world that is rapidly changing and increasingly digital, universities and other educational organizations must embrace collaborative learning methodology to remain competitive and to prepare for the future.

TAMK Master of Educational Leadership (MEL) is a good example of how education can be adapted to the post-digital work especially through network collaborative learning of students from all around the world.

MEL participants are experiencing a network collaborative learning, an educational strategy that uses technology to allow students to collaborate and learn together. This type of learning relies on networked computers to allow students to interact with one another and work together on projects and tasks. This type of learning encourages students to take ownership of their learning and develop their own ideas and solutions. It also promotes collaboration between participants, allowing them to share ideas, resources, and strategies. Hodgson and McConnell (2019) examine how networked learning is transforming education in the postdigital age. They discuss how digital technologies are rapidly changing the way we learn, teach, and interact in educational settings. They note that networked learning has enabled new forms of collaboration, communication, and knowledge production. The authors suggest that educators need to be prepared to embrace these changes and to adopt new pedagogical approaches to teaching, learning, and assessment. What follows their conclusion is wat many MEL participants are experiencing mainly more open, connected, and equitable learning environment in which they can take greater control of their own learning.

This is what inspired us to combine in the workshop the theoretical, practical and experiences to create a new learning outcome.

This workshop will provide participants with the skills and knowledge to understand and apply collaborative learning methodology in a post digital world.


Cristina Moran-Vergara
Tampere University of Applied Sciences (TAMK)
Nottingham , UK

Experienced teacher/lecturer and adult education manager.  Currently finishing my MBA in Educational Leadership. Originally from Spain and based in the UK for the last 17 years.

Katarzyna Hanula-Bobbitt
Tampere University of Applied Sciences (TAMK)

Chau Truong
Tampere University of Applied Sciences (TAMK)

Jennifer Rowland
Tampere University of Applied Sciences (TAMK)


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